
MMD 2123

Final Assignlent
Topic : Belum Rainforest

Issues :

  1. City people are now pushing away traditional knowledge n values .
  2. Orang Asli , the children are wasting their time on not expanding their mind to modern tech .
  3. Orang asli refused to open up to the modern world .
So with the issues i've summarised , i am able to make some objectives of my project.
Objectives :

  1. To teach orang asli, the children especially , on modern tech . to introduce
  2. To preserve the knowledge of the traditional remedies and whatnot practice by the Orang Asli .
  3. To show that learning to can be fun in so many ways 

Ideas / sketches / Storyboard :

I was inspired by the Augmented Reality Project 
Size : IPad size 
Capability : Motion and Voice Recognition 
Achieves : To learn the art of planting and the benefits to our health 

Storyboard :
  1. The holographic pad is in IPad size . To be able to use , user must hold it in a horizontal form . Before doing so the user must press the ON/OFF button .After that a hologram of diff sacks of seeds appear in 3 dimensional view . User is able to turn it 360' .Than to select the desired type of seeds , user do a 'touch' motion on the sack to select .
  2. Done selecting the sack of seeds , a new hologram will appear picturing soils and rocks n grass . To be able to put the seeds in the soil , user need to do a 'hold' motion as if user is holding something . By doing that the sacks will open up and user is able to put the seeds in the ground by tilting it over .
  3. A plant is not able to grow without water right ? So to view the planting tools , user need to voice out ' TOOLS' and and arrangement of gardening tools will appear ready to be used . 
  4. To water , basiclly it is the same as putting the seeds into the ground . that is by doing the 'hold motion . The pad is capable of detecting themovement and position of your hand .
  5. Sooner or later the plant will show the progresssion of it's growth in merely a couple of minutes . Together with this an indicator box will appear showing the actually time taken for the seed to reach this stage of growth . 
  6. Finally , The full grown tree appears . Next to it will be the infornation box containning information user needs about the plant . 
  7. To turn it off simply press the ON/OFF button again .