

Assignment 1:
A piece of poster design . To identify the design issue based on Flora and Fauna in Malaysia .

Precedent Studies :

Idea :
Creating an awareness poster . Using bright contast colours to catch viewers attention . For the Flora and Fauna I've choosen animals and plants tht is symbolic and recognizable to everyone .

Sketches :

The Process :

  1. Firstly I've created the background using a gradient tool . Selecting 3 colours red , lime green and dark green
    Green : Is to represent the forest / jungle in malaysia
    Lime Green : to create the tone of the forest/ jungle
    Red : To show the warm temperature of malaysia

  2. I've cut out images of animals around malaysia to represent as the fauna of this poster

    • Orang Utan 
    • Eagle 
    • Hornbill
    • Malaysian Tiger

  3. As the Flora part I've choosen these plants because
     . Raflesia : World largest flower . It is situated in Sabah
     . Hibiscus : Malaysia's national flower
     . Palm Tree : It is found almost everywhere in Malaysia

  4. Lastly the caption for the poster . Simple and understandable .
    : To ask people to care and preserve the wilderness of Malaysia . Because some of them are almost instinct .